01380 812340

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Dauntsey Care Tree

Your care safely
in our hands

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

This Statement of Purpose has been produced to comply with Regulation 12 and Schedule 3 of the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009.

The Location of this service:

- Dauntsey House Care Ltd.

The Service Type:

- Care Home Service without Nursing

The Regulated activity:

- Accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care

The Legal status :

- An organisation – a limited company

Responsible Individual:

- Stephen Press


- Rayna Read


- 9 Church Street West Lavington

Telephone number:

- 01380 812340

Fax number:

- 01380 818919

Email address:



Dauntsey House was originally a private house, but has been a care home for over 40 years. It is set in West Lavington about six miles from Devizes.

Dauntsey House is owned by Stephen Press, who has extensive experience in the social care sector, and he works very hard with his staff team to ensure that a safe and friendly home is provide for all service users.

It is very much a family home for everyone involved, the service users, their families and friends, the staff and other professionals who visit

Services provided

Our Aims

Our Objectives

In providing care for our service users we aim to:

How we intend to provide services for our Regulated activity which is:

- Accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care.

This list is not exclusive or exhaustive, policies, procedures and other supporting documentation is available for inspection from the Registered Manager.



Safety and security

Personal care



Service Users Rights

Quality of Life

At Dauntsey House we want our care home to be a happy place where service users are encouraged to have the best quality of life possible, and where the management and staff of the home will assist them in achieving this. This means the service users will be encouraged to make as many decisions as possible about their care. This may include the acceptance of a degree of risk. Service users will be encouraged to continue with their individual interests outside the home.


A service user may prefer to be independent in certain self-care situations in order to retain self respect and dignity and this will be encouraged. For example, a service user might prefer to walk with an aid (walking frame, tripod or sticks) rather than be supported by staff. Similar situations may apply to bathing, dressing, visiting the toilet etc.


This is important to all and should not be less important because one is in a residential care setting. Service users are entitled to privacy, although the level of privacy will depend on the situation. It may be dressing or undressing, washing or bathing, visiting the toilet or it might be a private conversation with a visitor or doctor, lawyer etc.


At Dauntsey House we uphold the dignity of a service user even though assistance and support may be needed in many ways. Managers and staff know that each person is an individual with their own thoughts and beliefs, and these will be respected. Caring for people means caring for them as individuals

Human, Emotional and Social Needs

Everyone, including the service users themselves, appreciates an understanding of their point of view, consideration of themselves and their needs, and compassion when they feel low. The qualities needed to provide such an understanding are provide by the management and staff team, who are trained appropriately. Our management and staff have these skills because they have been carefully selected and supervised.


It is entirely for the service user to decide whether or not to practice their religion. Those wishing to attend church will be encouraged to do so. The manager will assist those service users who prefer clergy to visit the home.

Form of address

Service users will choose how they wish to be addressed. Although first names are normally used between service users and staff, it should not be assumed even though this practice is consistent with our family atmosphere.


Service users should have no fear of discrimination on any grounds and they will all have the rights listed in this charter.

Health care

Care homes are not nursing homes, and staff are not permitted to deliver any medical or nursing treatment, unless this is under the supervision of the District Community Nurse Manager. Such that, care within the concept of family care, is given as appropriate to the needs of the service user. In this respect the home will liaise with doctors and community nurses to ensure the correct care is being given. This care will be supplemented by appropriate visits from doctors and community nurses and other health care professionals who may give more treatment within the Home. In many cases care homes will look after service users who become ill, sometimes for a prolonged period of time. The determining factors are the needs of each service user being met and the ability of the home to fulfil those needs. This should be decided after consultation between the service user and interested parties, such as relatives, doctors, social workers etc. When the care necessary is beyond the scope of the home, it may be more appropriate for the service user to be cared for in a nursing home. In this situation the care home will give every possible assistance to make any transfer as smooth as possible.


It is the policy of the home that wherever possible prescribed medicine can be self administered by service users, with appropriate support. If a service user prefers to retain responsibility for their own medication, it will be at the manager’s discretion and their doctor would have to be satisfied that the service user is competent to do so. Otherwise, medication will be dispensed and administered by trained members of staff.

Choice of GP

Service users will not be required to change their doctor for the convenience of the care home. However, it must be recognised that doctors work within a geographical area and a move into residential care may necessitate a change of doctor for a service user. Where this occurs the service user will be helped to select a new local doctor. Treatment from a doctor or nurse or other similar person will be given in private. All service users will be able to talk privately to their own doctor or nurse.

Discussion of care needs

A service user has the right to discuss their care needs and programme in private with the manager. Written consent will be sought from the service users or their representatives for the delivery of personal care.


Although the number and type of staffing will depend on the needs of the service users, staffing will be sufficient to meet such needs and be of a quality to cope with the wide variety of demands, which may be placed upon them. Staff training is provided to all staff on an ongoing basis.


Visitors are welcome during the daytime, although some service users may prefer not to receive visitors at meal times or early afternoon when they may wish to have a quiet time. A visitor’s policy is on display in the entrance hall.

Legal advice

When a service user requires legal advice, they will be supported to visit their own solicitor or to receive a home visit. The manager will assist with the necessary arrangements if asked. However, such meetings are private and the home will not be involved.

Choice of residence

A potential service user should, where possible, view several homes. All homes should be registered with the Care Quality Commission. A copy of the home registration certificate and the previous CQC inspection report is available for potential service users and their representatives to see if required. Further information can be found on Hampshire County Council’s website The prospective service user will be given full details of the home and fees. New Service Users are encouraged to agree to a trial period to ensure that the arrangements are suitable for both the service user and home.


Dauntsey House Care
Church Street
West Lavington
Wiltshire, SN10 4LB

Tel: 01380 812340

Copyright © Dauntsey House Ltd 2023. All rights reserved.